Emergency Management as a Service
Readiness - Response - Recovery - Resilience
In today's fast-paced business landscape, focusing on growth is your top priority. We specialize in expert, tailored emergency management solutions, allowing you to stay protected without diverting your full attention. With our flexible services, you can stay prepared for any crisis, all while maintaining your focus on success.
Level 1
Emergency Management On-Demand
This service works for companies that want to have an emergency management professional available for training, education, testing, and other company needs.
Designated emergency manager available by phone, email, and virtually.
Monthly Ready Northwest newsletter
Level 2
Emergency Management Support
This service provides emergency management and preparedness resources to clients who may already have someone in charge of emergency response but needs additional support.
Strategic 12 month guidance on emergency management planning for your company
Annual/quarterly emergency preparedness educational presentations
Annual scenario based tabletop exercise discussion with after action review
Annual scenario based tabletop exercise discussion with after action review
Annual facility drill on a scenario in the emergency operations plan
Technical support in developing, reviewing, and maintaining the emergency operations plan
Available for questions or technical assistance via phone, email, and virtually
Monthly meeting with emergency manager
Monthly Ready Northwest newsletter
Level 3
Emergency Management Provider
For clients who don’t have a current emergency manager, who need to expand the emergency management department, or have multiple locations that need emergency management support, this is the ideal option.
All the same resources as the Level 2 option.
The ability to respond virtually (or if available/requested) on site during activation of emergency operations or at the request of the client.
Development, training, and integration of client emergency response and incident management teams.
Crisis communications support for company leadership.
Development of an emergency management program within the company.